Hi! I AM Cassie Armstrong
Writing Coach and Editor.

Good books, and good writing, come from a lot of hard work. They also come from working
with an editor who understands the writer’s purpose and message. The kind of editor who helps writers polish their prose to meet their audiences’ needs. The kind of editor who helps the author solve their problems.

I’m Cassie Armstrong, owner of MorningStar Editing LLC,  a writing coach, and an editor. I’m that kind of editor. I have  more than sixteen years of editing experience, and I’ve edited two award winning trade books. Working with words is my passion! I love helping authors find the right words to tell their stories. I also like helping children’s authors as a writing coach. Let’s talk about your story and how I can help you. 

About Us

Hi! I’m Cassie Armstrong. Thanks for stopping by. I’m the owner and operator of MorningStar Editing. I’m also a word nerd and proud of it. My love of words and good writing goes back to my childhood when I discovered Jules Verne and stayed up all night reading Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. 

My love of words continued in college where I majored in English and received my Bachelor of Arts in literature. It expanded in grad school where I majored in English with an emphasis in folklore and received a Master of Arts in English. I loved exploring how words were used by different cultures in their folktales, jokes, rhymes, songs, riddles, and even cooking. My master’s thesis allowed me to explore a new form of folklore—officelore. I had a blast exploring how offiicelore used visual and written jokes in a new foklore genre.

I’ve been playing with words my entire professional career. First as a teacher with more than twenty years experience teaching students from two years old to eighty-years-young and then as an editor. I may have come to the editing party late and through the back door, but I’m glad I did. I can’t think of anything I’d rather do. Editing gives me the opportunity to do two things I love—working with words and helping authors, and publishers and packagers, achieve their dreams.