About Us
Hi! I’m Cassie Armstrong. Thanks for stopping by. I’m the owner and operator of MorningStar Editing. I’m also a word nerd and proud of it. My love of words and good writing goes back to my childhood when I discovered Jules Verne and stayed up all night reading Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.
My love of words continued in college where I majored in English and received my bachelor of arts in literature. It expanded in grad school where I majored in English with an emphasis in folklore and received a master of arts in English. I loved exploring how words were used by different cultures in their folktales, jokes, rhymes, songs, riddles, and even cooking. My master’s thesis allowed me to explore a new form of folklore—officelore. I had a blast exploring how offiicelore used visual and written jokes in a new foklore genre.
I’ve been playing with words my entire professional career. First as a teacher with more than twenty years experience teaching students from two years old to eighty-years-young and then as an editor. I may have come to the editing party late and through the back door, but I’m glad I did. I can’t think of anything I’d rather do. Editing gives me the opportunity to do two things I love—working with words and helping authors, and publishers and packagers, achieve their dreams.b