Proofreading comes at the end of the editing process. You’re ready for proofreading when you have revised your manuscript for the last time and have made all the suggested changes. At this stage, your manuscript is almost ready for publishing.
When I proofread your manuscript, I look for those things that may have been overlooked. I use the style sheet that your copyeditor created and double check your manuscript for the items on the style sheet. While proofreading, I look for glaring errors. I also look for typos, inconsistencies, spelling errors, errors in mechanics and grammar, dropped or omitted text, and formatting errors. I won’t make any developmental or organizational suggestions while proofreading, and I won’t suggest that you rewrite any sentences. These suggestions come earlier in the copyediting part of editing.
I usually don’t proofread a manuscript that I’ve copyedited because it’s a good idea to have a fresh pair of eyes read your final copy.